NP 100 Series Introductory Certificate

NP 110: Introduction to Nutritional Psychology Methods (NP 110)

Welcome to NP 110!

This course lays the foundation for the field of nutritional psychology (NP). It provides the first complete conceptualization for understanding the psychological, cognitive, behavioral, sensory-perceptual, interoceptive, and psychosocial aspects of the diet-mental health relationship. By completing this course, you will learn the concepts, methods, definitions, language, and research informing NP.

Please note that NO PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS of nutritional psychology are provided in this course. That content will be covered in the NP 200 series.

Upon enrolling, you will have 90 days to access and complete the course. After these 90 days, your account will be deactivated. Please make use of the Module Download Kits and take notes on the material as you progress. If you are a CNP Member, don't forget to use your discount code when enrolling!

CNP is committed to providing equal learning opportunities for students. If you find that your needs have not been fully met, please contact us and we will make all necessary accommodations. Neither CNP nor the course instructors have any financial, commercial, or other conflicts of interest to disclose related to the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of this continuing education course. CNP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization dedicated to facilitating the development of nutritional psychology within mental healthcare.

CNP is committed to identifying and resolving potential conflicts of interest in planning, promoting, delivering, and evaluating its continuing education curriculum and programs. As an APA-approved continuing education sponsor, and consistent with concepts outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, no individual involved in the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of CNP continuing education has any personal, professional, legal, financial, or other interests that could reasonably be expected to impair his, her, or their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness.

On behalf of the CNP Team, welcome to the start of your learning journey in nutritional psychology!

*For those taking this course for continuing education (CE/CPE) credits*:

CNP is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor Continuing Education (CE) for psychologists and mental health providers, by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) to provide CE credits for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS), and by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) to provide Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for Licensed Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians, Registered (RDs/DTRs). This course currently provides 10 CE Credits and 10 CPE credits. CNP maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

CAMFT (Instructions):
Upon completion of NP 110 (including the general course evaluation), please message your instructor and provide your full name and provider or license number. We will validate your course completion and issue a certificate meeting BBS criteria.

APA and CDR (Instructions):
For those of you who are licensed psychologists, Registered Dietitians (RDs), and Dietetic Technicians, Registered (DTRs), the certificate at the end of the course is sufficient. You do not need to contact us for anything additional.

How to properly cite NP 110:
Authors (Last name, first initial). (Year retrieved). Module Number: Module Title; Section Title (e.g., Module 3: The Diet-Cognitive Relationship; Neurodevelopment through the Lifespan). In (Ed.), Course title. Publishing organization. Web address.

Lu, E., Lokken, K., Doswell, C., Protogerous, C., Greunke, S. (access year). Module 3: The Diet-Cognitive Relationship; Neurodevelopment Through the Lifespan. In E. Lu (Ed.), NP 110: Introduction to Nutritional Psychology. The Center for Nutritional Psychology.
  • Administrative
  • NP 110 Syllabus
  • Instructor Welcome Message
  • Instructor and Contributor Bios (new)
  • Course Disclaimer
  • Module 1: Introduction to Nutritional Psychology
  • Overview
  • Terms and Definitions Flashcards
  • The Six Elements of NP (Updated)
  • Research Methods Used in Nutritional Psychology
  • Conclusion
  • M1 Quiz
  • MODULE 2: Diet-Psychological Relationship (DPR)
  • Overview
  • Terms and Definitions Flashcards
  • DPR Bi-Directionality
  • DPR Research Categories
  • DPR Dietary Intake Patterns
  • DPR Research Exploration
  • Conclusion
  • M2: Quiz
  • Module 3: Diet-Behavioral Relationship (DBR)
  • Overview
  • Terms and Definitions Flashcards
  • The Cognitive-Behavioral Dietary Intake Cycle
  • Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts I
  • NP 110 Research Summary: Foraging Behavior
  • Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts II
  • Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts III
  • Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts IV
  • Conclusion
  • M3: Quiz
  • Module 4: Diet-Cognitive Relationship (DCR)
  • Overview
  • Terms and Definitions Flashcards
  • Neuroanatomical and Cognitive Development
  • The Mesocorticolimbic Dopamine Reward/Motivation (DA) System
  • Cognitive Abilities and the DCR: Attention and HDLM
  • Cognitive Abilities and the DCR: Executive Functions
  • DCR-Informed Treatment Interventions
  • Conclusion
  • M4 Quiz
  • Module 5: Diet-Sensory-Perceptual relationship (DSPR)
  • Overview
  • Terms and Definitions Flashcards
  • Sensory-Perceptual Processes in the DSPR
  • Senses in Dietary Intake: Smell
  • Senses in Dietary Intake: Taste, Flavor, and Texture
  • Senses in Dietary Intake: Visual Processes
  • Senses in Dietary Intake: Hearing
  • Physiological Responses to Sensory-Processing Signals: CPRs
  • Post-Ingestive Sensations in Dietary Intake
  • Conclusion
  • M5 Quiz
  • Module 6: diet-Interoceptive relationship (DIR)
  • Overview
  • Terms and Definitions Flashcards
  • What Is Interoception?
  • The Anterior Insular Cortex (AIC)
  • Interoceptive Awareness (IA)
  • DMHR IA Model
  • Conclusion
  • M6: Quiz
  • Module 7: diet-psychosocial relationship (DPSR)
  • Overview
  • Terms and Definitions Flashcards
  • Social Norms
  • Social Norms in Youth
  • Social Norms in Community and Culture
  • Social Norms in Snacking
  • Social Modeling
  • Conclusion
  • M7: Quiz
  • Final Exam Instructions
  • NP 110 Final Exam
  • NP 110 Course Evaluation 2023
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Instructor Welcome Message, Conclusion, M1 Quiz, DPR Research Categories, DPR Dietary Intake Patterns, Conclusion, M2: Quiz, Overview, The Cognitive-Behavioral Dietary Intake Cycle, Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts I, NP 110 Research Summary: Foraging Behavior, Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts II, Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts III, Dietary Intake Behavior: Concepts IV, Conclusion, M3: Quiz, Overview, Neuroanatomical and Cognitive Development, The Mesocorticolimbic Dopamine Reward/Motivation (DA) System, Cognitive Abilities and the DCR: Attention and HDLM, Cognitive Abilities and the DCR: Executive Functions, DCR-Informed Treatment Interventions, Conclusion, M4 Quiz, Overview, Sensory-Perceptual Processes in the DSPR, Senses in Dietary Intake: Smell, Senses in Dietary Intake: Taste, Flavor, and Texture, Senses in Dietary Intake: Visual Processes, Senses in Dietary Intake: Hearing, Physiological Responses to Sensory-Processing Signals: CPRs, Post-Ingestive Sensations in Dietary Intake, Conclusion, M5 Quiz, Overview, What Is Interoception?, The Anterior Insular Cortex (AIC), Interoceptive Awareness (IA), DMHR IA Model, Conclusion, M6: Quiz, Overview, Social Norms, Social Norms in Youth, Social Norms in Community and Culture, Social Norms in Snacking, Social Modeling, Conclusion, M7: Quiz, Final Exam Instructions, NP 110 Final Exam, NP 110 Course Evaluation 2023"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever